Hobbs & Shaw 2019 English/Hindi Audio 720p And 480p HDRip Download

MoVie InFo : IMDb

IMDB rating: 7.5/10  2,134
Genre: Action, Adventure

Size: 970Mb And 400Mb
Language: English  – Hindi [Cleaned Audio]

QUALITY : 720p And 480p HC HDRip x264
Director: David Leitch

Story….A crew of MI6 agents, led by Hattie Shaw, enter a warehouse run by the techno-terrorist organization Etheon and attempt to retrieve a virus that can be programmed to kill select people. Brixton Lore, a rogue operative with highly advanced cybernetic implants that allow him to perform superhuman feats, arrives and kills all agents except for Hattie, who injects the virus into herself as a dormant carrier and escapes. Brixton, enraged by this, frames Hattie as a traitor who killed her team and stole the virus, forcing her to go on the run.